The inability to operate your business after even a small electrical fire can be very costly and in some cases can lead to the loss of both short and long term contracts. This can be far more damaging and the consequential losses are not always fully recoverable from the insurers.
The Solution are
Direct Low Pressure System (DLP)
Indirect Low Pressure System (ILP)
Indirect high pressure System (IHP)
These systems use our unique patented linear detection tubing which is installed throughout the panels and cableways. This tubing can not only quickly and accurately detect a fire but also suppress it before it can damage adjacent components.
These systems do not need complex electronic detectors or panels and operate simply using pneumatics. This alleviates the need for separate power supplies or battery backups and also makes the entire system fail safe with minimal moving parts. A choice of non-conductive extinguishing clean agents like Novec 1230, FM 200 and Co2, can be used.